Friday, April 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan is Going Back to Jail

Lindsay Lohan is going back to jail, after being found in violation of probation, on Friday. She was sentenced to four months in jail. Her violation is with regard to her alleged stealing of a $2,500 necklace. According to reports, Lindsay was crying while the Judge (Judge Stephanie Sautner), scolded her for her behavior, including the nail polish she wore to court that says "FU". The Judges' harsh words to Lindsay are as follows -

"Would a person with any brains walk out with a necklace with [security] cameras on?" "Maybe it's brazenness, stupidity – I don't know what. Perhaps it was a desire to hide in plain sight."
"I see her intent [to steal] and I see a level of brazenness,"
"It was like, 'Let me see what I can get away with." (this was because of the fact that Lindsay returned the necklace only after she saw a search warrant for her house was coming.)
"She thumbs her nose at the court.""She walks into court with FU on her fingernails. I don't know what that's all about."

Lindsay's controversial nail polish

The actress is still lucky because the Judge reduced the charges from felony grand theft to a misdemeanor. She's been given another shot in straightening her life, which she should be smart enough to grab. Aside from the four months in jail sentence, Lindsay was also sentenced to 480 hours of community service that includes 360 hours spent at the Downtown Women's Center (to expose her to how needy women lives), and 120 hours at the L.A. County morgue (so that the actress can see the results of drunk driving).

I don't know what happened to this girl. She had a bright future ahead of her - she can act, she's beautiful and sexy. Where's the sweet Lindsay I first saw in the movie, 'Parent Trap'? I still wish that she will turn her life around, just like fellow child star Drew Barrymore.

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